
Tori Haynes

BA, Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Architecture and Art

Masters, Architecture, University of Washington

From the coast of Massachusetts, Tori Haynes found herself Northwest, completing the UW Masters of Architecture program. As an undergrad, Tori was placed in an architecture history course, where she fell deeply in love with the subject. Tori sees the architect as a natural middle ground between being an engineer and artist, which her mother was both. Seeking work in the industry within her hometown, she landed interesting preservation work with Cape Cod Modern Home Trust.

Tori brings a multi-disciplinary skill set to the firm: residential experience, ability in Fine Art and tattoo artistry.

Little known fact: Tori high-fived Kenneth Frampton before she knew who he was.

Outside of the office, Tori is constantly creating art, whether its tattooing or illustrating for Architecture Talk.

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