Monroe Duplex

The Monroe Duplex was designed in partnership with Habitat for Humanity of the Charlotte region. A recent zoning code overhaul in Charlotte allows for more missing middle housing (duplexes and triplexes) to be built in certain zones, allowing more affordable housing needs to be met. Habitat partnered with Cone to design the first duplex structure they’ve offered their residents, thoughtfully composed to fit with both the surrounding single family context as well as Habitat-designed single family homes that would be part of the same development. Finding a balance of providing individualization between the buildings while maintaining a consistent aesthetic was a challenge for this project – maintaining consistency amongst certain features (roof forms, secondary elements) while varying others (color and texture of siding) was key. We look forward to seeing the first residents move into these new duplex units.

  • Zoning:


  • Unit Type:


  • Unit Count:


  • Typical Unit Size:

    1200 sf

  • Affordable Housing:

    Voluntary Mixed Income Development

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