56th Triple Duplex

This narrow lot in a Ballard residential area proposes 6 townhome units designed in two building structures with parking provided in a shared inner-core, car-courtyard.

The team creatively applied a unique code interpretation to provide second floor amenity off of the living spaces while creating covered parking below. The double use of site elements and space allowed for maximizing the site potential while also providing usable area for the occupants.

The design was inspired by growth of the multifamily density in the surrounding area. Repetitious patterning was used with the glazing and screen railings to allude to the larger townhouse development pattern along the block.

  • Neighborhood:


  • Lot Size:


  • Zoning:

    LR2 M1

  • Unit Type:


  • Unit Count:


  • Typical Unit Size:

    1160 sf

  • Site Character:

    Residential Urban Village

  • Project Status:


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